Our Mission:
Inspiring young people and expanding their learning through the arts.

our National
Young Audiences of Abilene is affiliated with the national Young Audiences Arts for Learning network. Founded in 1952, the mission of Young Audiences Arts for Learning is to inspire young people and expand their learning through the arts. Our network is made up of local affiliated nonprofits that collectively impact over 5 million young people each year. The national Young Audiences Arts for Learning network works collaboratively to advance arts in education through advocacy, communications, fundraising, program development, professional learning, and other support. To explore our national network, please visit:
arts in abilene
This nonprofit organization operates under the auspices of the Abilene Cultural Affairs Council. Young Audiences of Abilene provides live performance demonstrations, residencies and workshops in music, dance, visual and theatre arts to thousands of young people in Abilene and the surrounding communities each year.
YAA brings together schools, communities and professional teaching artists, creating programs that help make the arts an integral part of the education of area young people. YAA partners with the Abilene Public Library for the FREE Summer Reading/Performance Series and also with the National Center for Children's Illustrated Literature to offer programs for schools touring exhibits.